

Product ID :129
Categroy : Stress Management
Available : InStock
Min Order Limit: :1

The science of Aromatherapy states that essential oils or flower essences are ‘Nature’s Healers”. Energize Roll On is a blend of pure and high quality essential oils in a combination that lets you get the best of their healing qualities anytime and anywhere. Healing properties of Lavender, Vetiver, Chamomile, Marjoram and Bergamot come together to calm the mind, alleviates stress and helps the mind and body to relax which aids in setting sleep patterns.

Directions for use- Apply a little bit of the blend on the wrists, temples and behind the ears. Make sure you do not get any of the oil in your eyes.

Caution- Do not ingest the oil blends. Not intended for children below six years of age.

Storage- keep in a cool and dry place. Keep away from direct sunlight. Always close the cap back on after use.


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